cute06.txt Part 6 As Sophie and I lay together, I decided it was time to break the news about my night with Juliette. "Sophie... You'd do anything for me wouldn't you" I asked. "You know I would Ian" she replied, licking her lips. "Do you want to piss on me again?" "Slut..." I laughed. "No, that's not it. know...hmmm". I was labouring on, trying to find a way to break the news that I'd been unfaithful to this fifteen year old blonde nymphomaniac. "I slept with another girl on Sunday". There. It was said. I looked over at Sophie listening for her reaction, though when it came, it was with a hard slap across my face. "YOU BASTARD!" she yelled, tears running down her face. "Who is the bitch? Is it that slut April? I'll kill the slag, really, I will!" "Calm down Sophie" I said, my face still smarting. "It's not April". April was an ex-girlfriend, a dirty 16 year old punkette girl, who'd introduced me, and half the guys at school, to the sensation of a good blow-job. "It's Juliette. You know, Jimmy Konig's kid sister". At this Sophie appeared to relax. "Juliette Konig? You mean that little brunette kid? Shit Ian, she's only in 7th grade, you cradle- snatching pervert! That doesn't let her off the hook though. I'll make her suffer..." I suddenly felt angry with the slut. Who was Sophie to tell me what I could and couldn't do? Anyway, Juliette hadn't known about her, and certainly didn't deserve to face the wrath of Sophie because of a single innocent night of love. "I don't need to take this Sophie. Fuck off and find someone else to play your slutty games with. I'm going home." Sophie suddenly went quiet and threw her arms around me. "Oh Ian...I'm sorry... Don't finish with me - remember I'm your slave girl, and you've got to look after me...". "Alright" I told her. "But I'm going home anyway. I might call you later... Meanwhile see if you can steal some of that stuff from the cellar, in case we want to play some more games another day." Sophie smiled demurely, and nodded, as I dressed and prepared to leave. As I walked out she pressed a photograph into my hand. Kissing me, she said "It's for your collection Ian. My little ten year old sister, Melissa. I guess this is to tell you that you can have her when you're ready. I'm sorry for getting cross, and this is my way of apologising." When I reached the house, I found it empty, a note quickly scribbled and placed on my bedroom door. "Dear Ian, Your father's furious with you for leaving Judy alone last night. However, it seems that this time you've been lucky. Dad's mother's sick in Vancouver, so we're going up to sort her out, and have decided to stay up there for a few weeks and see some of the family. Since we obviously can't trust you to look after the house on your own, I've asked my sister to come over. I've locked up your bank-book and told her to spend your motor-bike money herself if you give her, or Judy, any trouble. Your father's told her that you only respond to hard punishment, so don't be surprised if that's how any wrong-doings are rewarded! Be good Ian, and we'll see you soon, Love, Mom." "Fuck!" I thought allowed as I read the letter. Aunt Tina was OK, in fact, from my memories of her, the Canadian woman was quite attractive, and she was a lot younger than Mom. A few years ago, she'd competed as an athlete for the Canadian Olympic team, and had been the star of the family - the press-cuttings of this physically perfect specimen of a woman had fast vanished from Mom's dresser into my stash of fantasies. When she became too old for the squad, she'd extended her fame by having a short, messy relationship, with an ex-convict who'd ended up beating her and running off with her medals. I'd never been entirely sure why, but Dad had always seemed sympathetic to the fiance, referring to her as 'that Canadian dyke', this infuriating Mom and inevitably leading to arguments. My anger was due to the bank-book black-mail. I'd been saving every penny I could since I was fourteen, for a decent motor-bike, and in a month would be finished. Now, all my efforts might be in vein. As my thoughts wandered between anticipation of once again seeing my Aunt, and concern about my plans for a black Kawasaki vanishing, I heard a knock on the front door, ran down, and opened it. "Hi IAN!" Aunt Tina had changed since the photographs had been taken that I'd spent many a night fantasizing over. She was smaller than I remembered, about 5'3 and had cut her long brunette hair short so that she looked kind of boyish, (a bit like a singer on one of Judy's posters, Jane Wiedlin). Her wide eyes, and cute snub-nose made her look cute in a pixie type way, though with her well defined muscle tone visible under fairly scant clothing I wouldn't care to mess with her! "Err, Hi Aunt Tina" I replied, as she marched in, leaving her suitcases at the foot of the stairs. Grabbing my hand, she pulled me into the kitchen, pushing herself up onto the table while I sat down. "So what have you been up to, my little nephew?" she asked. "Actually, let it wait, let's go into town and get a milk-shake together and we can chat there!". "Hmm. Aunty? Are you not going to get changed first?". My The 28 year old Aunty was dressed in the tiniest pair of stretch-lycra running shorts her long legs apart, as she tapped a pair of Nike-Air boots, their laces apparently missing, onto the kitchen floor. More disturbing was the black running vest that hardly concealed a detail of her over-sized breasts, high at the neck, but only just reaching low enough to cover her prominent nipples. As she tapped her feet, the shirt bounced up and down, and I was terrified her tits would 'fall out' at any moment. "Are you embarrassed with your Aunty?" she asked, laughing. "Well, you'll just have to take me out as I am, because I can't be bothered getting changed!" When she drove to town, she inevitably chose my normal hang-out to buy us a drink. The other guys watched her, as she walked in and ordered two Bud's. "You're old enough now to enjoy a real drink with your Aunty Tina" she told me, as we took a table, sitting opposite one another. She asked me about school, about my interest in motor-bikes, adding that she'd bought one herself a year or two before. As we chatted a couple of young girls, aged maybe 13 and 14 came in, obviously having been to majorettes practice, from their short pleated skirts, and little white boots. As I tried to keep my eyes off them, I saw Aunt Tina blatantly move her head towards the counter, smiling brightly when a gust of wind from the opening door caused the skirt hems to flick up and reveal pairs of tight teenage panties. "Sexy kids huh?" she said in a slightly husky voice. "Well, erm, sure Aunty" I replied, confused by the strange woman. I found myself increasingly able to answer her questions honestly, and even told her about Sophie and Juliette when the "girl-friends" question arose. I avoided too much detail, but she seemed happy enough, telling me that we should arrange a dinner party so that the two girls could meet and maybe make-up any differences. As we prepared to leave, I heard the door open, and a silence descend on the milk-bar's inhabitants. Looking over my shoulder, I saw two 17 year old's from school walk in, both guys with a bad reputation for bullying the younger boys. "Here comes trouble" I told Aunty as she followed my stair. The two of them muttered an obscenity at the older majorette, then spied Aunty and myself by the window. "Well if it isn't our shit-for-brains friend Ian. Who's the slut you've got with you today?" I'd been through this before, just ignoring them as they tried to insult me in front of the respective girl. This time, however, things were very different. Aunt Tina stood up, and licked her lips at the boys. "Hey, forget Ian. You're the kind of boys I want." Lifting her breasts as she spoke, she said to the first, "go-on... touch them." As he reached forwards, she raised one of her long athletic legs, and drove a pink sneaker deep into his abdomen. As he folded to the floor, she kneed his dumbstruck friend in the groin, toppled him over with a hand, then kicked his face against the hard, tiled, cafe floor. As she stood, victorious, over the two boys, the majorettes walked over. "Gee ma'am. That was great!" "It's nothing kids, just what they deserved" she told them as they looked up at her in awe. Aunt Tina seemed kind of flushed, as she invited them to join us, the two guys being dragged out by the bar's owner. He motioned to a waitress that drinks were on the house, and soon we had a table full of bud's with a few cokes for the younger girl. "So girls, do you know my nephew Ian." They shook their heads, as Aunty continued "He's a good looking guy, don't you think?". "Sure" said the thirteen year-old. "Well, he's alright. But you're really pretty ma'am." "Why Thank-You!" Aunty replied, reaching out, and after brushing a blonde lock of hair from the cute girl's face brought her hand to rest itself on the kid's bare young thighs. "You're a very pretty little girl, yourself. Here, help yourself to the beer". As the young teen downed her third bottle, and Aunty placed an arm around her, the friend who'd been quietly observing these going's on spoke up. "Nikki... Don't you think we should go now?". "No, not yet... I'm not anyway." Aunty stopped any further concern by saying that she'd drive the two girls home, but after dropping off the first, turned into our street. "Nikki... Do you want to come in and join us for a coffee?". "Sure! That would be great!" replied Aunties luscious little catch, and soon the three of us were back inside the kitchen. "So what do you do at majorettes practice Nikki?" asked my aunt, sitting herself in front of me. "Gee..Well, we learn to play the tambourine, and swing batons, then we do some dancing!" "Would you show Ian and me your dancing?" she asked, the kid immediately agreeing and proceeding to jump and twirl in the middle of the kitchen floor. As I watched, I found myself becomming more aroused both from each glimpse of the baby-doll's tight little knickers, and my own Aunty's obvious interest in them. I felt aunties sneaker moving up from between my feet to the crotch of my jeans. Dirty Nikki was relishing our interest, and as she pirouetted would flick up her short blue and yellow ra-ra skirt so that Aunt Tina could enjoy a sustained show of the cotton panties that hugged her skin so tightly. As a finale the kid turned her head towards my pretty Aunty, put her thumb cutely between her lips, pouting, and pushed a leg forward, another backward, as she lowered herself into the splits. Aunty suddenly exclaimed at me. "IAN! WHAT'S THAT BUMP BETWEEN YOUR LEGS?". "Wha...What Aunty?" I replied nervously. She pulled her toe back, then kicked me hard in the crotch. "OWWW" I yelled as she crushed my balls with the hard toe of a Nike, causing me to topple backwards on my chair, and land on the floor. "YOU WERE IMAGINING THAT YOU WANTED TO FUCK POOR SWEET LITTLE NIKKI!" Aunty stood over me, as she yelled, looking frightening but sexy with a definite twinkle of excitement in her eyes. She pushed her thumbs into the waist of her running shorts and peeled them to her ankles, showing herself to be bare of both panties and pubic hair! I found myself enjoying her dominance, and the air of sexuality that she projected. "I..I didn't only want to fuck Nikki Aunty. I wanted to fuck you as well". It was out before I could stop myself, Aunty smiling as I, her sisters son, propositioned her. "IAN! YOU'RE AN EVIL MAN! NIKKI AND I MUST PUNISH YOU FOR HAVING SUCH BAD, BAD THOUGHTS." "Y-Y-Yes Aunty. You must...." Nikki was giggling away at this spectacle, and at Aunty's command started removing my shoes, while she pulled off my shirt, and loosened the waist of my pants. "Nikki, pull at his jeans for me darling". Nikki obediently tugged, my Levi's slipping off to expose my hard penis to the pretty woman and little blonde girl. Aunty took a length of clothes-line and soon had my ankles individually tied to legs of the table, whilst my wrists were tied together and stretched behind my head to a radiator pipe. "Darling, sit on his face for me babes?" Little Nikki stood over my face, smiling like it was her birthday, and spread her legs apart, bringing her young pussy against my face. "Isn't his little willy horrible Tina" said the little slut, as my nose pressed against the thin material into the groove of her labia. "I like your pussy much more! It looks a bit like mine but the bit that sticks out is much nicer!" Aunt Tina's labia and clit protruded more than any other I'd ever seen, and she played and tugged at it, as the kid looked on in admiration. "Come to me baby" Aunt asked, laying herself on the floor, her legs spread. "Aunty...please... finish me first" I pleaded, my penis throbbing uselessly in the air. "Shut up Ian! Nikki, please would you put your little panties into his mouth to shut him up?". Nikki peeled them off then deftly pushed the sweat and girl-cum soaked cotton into my mouth. After removing the rest of her outfit she lay herself between the older woman's thighs, and writhed as Tina's fingers went straight for her pert young ass. Aunty rolled over so that she was on top of the kid, and lowered her head down to the girl's little cunt, lapping at it furiously. The child was soon emitting shrieks of pleasure as she enjoyed, maybe her first ever orgasm, a tongue pressed deep into her pre-pubescent vagina. "Let's help Ian cum baby-doll" said Aunty, picking a feather-duster up from a cabinet, and flicking on the kettle to make a coffee. The two naked girls, came tow me, this time Aunty lowering her dripping cunt over my face. I immediately started licking up and down her cunt until I felt a tickling sensation from Nikki running the duster up and down my cock. "Touch me properly!" I tried to say, but the panties made it come out as an undecipherable grunt. "What's wrong Ian? Do you want us to stop?" asked Aunty, leaving me painfully on the verge of orgasm as she squeezed Nikki's hand and walked back to make the coffee. Nikki continued to move the feathers up and down the length of my rod, sometimes flicking it at my balls, and the tickling sensation was starting to change from being pleasant to agonising. As I repeatedly neared the point of orgasm, my haunches would rise, and she'd withdraw the duster, over and over again. "I think that your a pathetic little man Ian!" said Nikki, enjoying my humiliation, as I thrust uselessly at the feathers. Sweat was starting to drip from my body, as I heard Aunt Tina say "Shall we let him cum now?" to cute Nikki. My athletic dyke relation approached holding a steaming cup of black coffee. "Ian - where are the spoons?" I tried to nod towards an obvious drawer below the sink-unit but she ignored it. "What's that Ian darling? You want me to use your penis?" I shook my head vigourously, but she just continued to Nikki's obvious amusement. "YOU DO? You're a tart Ian! It's ever so hot, and it will burn you horribly!" I tried to twist away from my Aunt but she chose to interpret it as some ecstatic spasm, and knelt between my spread thighs. Taking the base of my penis between her thumb and forefinger Aunt Tina pulled it from its vertical erect stance down, until, feeling like it would crack in two, it was pointing downwards, flush against my balls. I was screaming against the sodden panties to no avail, when Aunty immersed the exposed head into the scalding liquid, where, with a few yanks of my foreskin, I spurted my load. As I ejaculated a genuine orgasm filled me, and I felt spasm after spasm of cum shoot into the coffee. "Ohhhh Yucky!" said the little-girl slut, enraptured with my agony and ecstasy. With this, Aunt Tina released me, my penis springing back up, and pulled the panties from my mouth. My eyes were full of tears, but I felt a strange calm from being placed in such a submissive role. "Are you OK Ian" she asked, her eyes now looking kind and concerned. "I'm OK Aunty. I hurt, but I want to hurt when I'm with you". "That's good Ian. You'll be sore for a few days, but when you fuck your little girl-friends I know you won't forget me! Now I'm going to take Nikki home - you should go and rest in bed, but tomorrow I want you to invite Sophie and Juliette over. Will you do that for your Aunty?" "Sure" I told her, as I hobbled out, my cock burning while the two girls laughed.